JustGage is a useful JavaScript gauge meter plugin for generating and animating super clean dashboard gauges. It is based on...
Password strength checker JavaScript is an easy-to-use online password strength checker. This is supposed to calculates the password strength and...
GDPR Cookie Consent JavaScript plugin makes your site and blog to be fulfilled with the European cookie and General Data...
gridstack.js is a Responsive Drag and Drop Grid Layout with jQuery it’s a mobile-friendly modern typescript library for dashboard layout...
This is a JavaScript library protect Email address on website from spam. It uses dissimilar mystification procedures to hide the...
duDatepicker is a simple JavaScript date picker plugin that makes it informal to choose a date or a date range...
Background parallax effect with jQuery and CSS is another jQuery/JavaScript parallax plugin which is be responsible for adding an even parallax scrolling effect to...
Export html table to excel using jQuery plugin is a hack which allows for exporting Html table data to an...
Responsive touch image simple lightbox jQuery plugin is responsive, supple, flexible and mobile-friendly JavaScript plugin. This is touch-friendly image lightbox...
GDPR compliant cookie consent popup plugin is a lightweight jQuery plugin that shows a cookie consent message required by EU guideline....
Here’s another jQuery plugin, JavaScript progress bar with percentage. This jQuery plugin is supposed to create a vertical and horizontal...
This flexible responsive event calendar jQuery plugin is a supple event calendar plugin which is used to display events in...