Tips for Designing a Fantastic Mobile Web Site

A mobile website may be the springboard to the next level for your business. A web development company in India can help you make the most of a mobile website. The following tips will help you get started.

Purpose Your Site

It sounds obvious, but keeps your business objective in mind. Put the most important information about your product on top, and purchase options next.

Keep it Simple

Fancy sites are difficult to read on a mobile device.

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  • Simplify fonts. Use a Verdana or Arial type of font rather than scripts or fancy lettering.
  • Simplify colors. Bright magenta with lime green letters may look great to you, but are hard to take on a mobile device.
  • Simplify backgrounds. Colorful wallpaper with a great design looks fabulous on a large screen, but doesn’t translate to a mobile screen.


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Consider a light background with black font for ease of reading for your user.

Mobile Web Site

Know Your Target Audience

What is the age and economic bracket of your typical customer? Does your most common buyer use an iPhone, Android, tablet or other device? Know what your mobile site looks like to them.

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Target Audience

Know Mobile Use Behavior

In the beginning mobile use tended to be in a rush on the go. Mobile use has changed. Many people use their mobile devices in place of desktop or laptop computers, and are likely to browse and buy while relaxing at home or during down time.

The Monetate Q1 2013 Ecommerce Quarterly gives insight on smartphone vs tablet vs desktop share of audience for large Ecommerce brands.

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Mobile Use Behavior

This data also enables you to drill down to see usage by device type, for example iPad is still the dominant tablet, but Kindle Fire and Android tablets now account for 10% of tablets.

Understand Entry Points

How do customers find you? Some users may bookmark your URL for repeat business. If so, an app might be valuable.

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  • Keep your target audience in mind, and be sure that your apps are usable for your customers.
  • Don’t create apps only for the latest versions of mobile devices and eliminate customers who use older versions.
  • Likewise native apps are tailored specifically to optimize one particular device. Your customers likely use many different devices, so look for hybrid apps that are more versatile.


Keep Your Content Consistent

A website that your consumer can access at work or the home office should contain the same content as your mobile site. People who browse on a desktop or laptop and decide to buy later will recognize your mobile site as being the one they’re looking for. Likewise, keep content consistent when using social media. A web development company in India can help you learn how to use the same colors, photos, logos, and slogans your customers will recognize for your landing sites.

Connect Social Media

Make sure your mobile site URL is posted on your social media sites, and make sure you provide buttons on your mobile site for connecting people to your social media.

Test Navigation

Test, test, test before you go live. Test landing sites for purchases, test links for product descriptions, and make sure your links from social media and your company website go where you say they will go. Iron out the kinks before frustrated customers go away.

Be a User

A great tip for testing your site is to be the first user. Actually buy your product, completing the payment process. You will see exactly what your customer will see, and get the same receipt your customer will get.

Don’t leave the communication back to your customer out of your process. Keep your receipt consistent with the rest of your business communications, keeping logos, photos, and other branding elements in the receipting process.


There’s no way to know how well your mobile website is working without a consultant to help you analyze the data. Define key performance indicators and find a consultant to help you verify website effectiveness. A web development company in India can connect you to readable reports to help you see both the successes and trouble spots.

Let a web development company in India help you ramp up your business by giving your customers another way to buy.