This brilliant food typography is made by Danielle Evans who is director and designer. She has been used to use real life objects to create expressively collaborating and powerful art.
She usually uses photography, video and stop motion to create visually fabulous messages for billboards, installations, social media campaigns and commercials.
She loves to travel and enjoys work together with new photographers and stylists nationwide and overseas. She is a regular contributor for Working Not Working Magazine and publishes articles on the creative lifestyle via Medium.
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“With the news vamping surrounded the Covid-19, precautions have been taken around the World to hopefully and somehow contain the spread. This has been affecting everything at the moment and when a time of uncertainty comes with a wave of support and kindness to one to another. It’s the key, that’s why we decided to push on Josh Laincz initiative (For Designers) to create a list of ‘designer in need of work where you find all the necessary information (role, competency, and links.” She said.
Creative Brochure Design InspirationThis is a genius idea to do some kind of tasks and I am sure you guys would like it too. So, here we go with the work Brilliant Food Typography presented by Danielle. Mind blowing, superb and cool in all ways.
Weekly Web Design Inspiration #02