Street Artist Transformed Buildings into Works of Art

Just see how street artist transformed buildings into works of art to make those building appealing and beautiful.

Street art has become so popular and street artists go on to design something new, incomparable, attractive and awesome to make buildings and street beguiling. This one is also a form of an art that’s come into being with full passion. We’ve been shared work of various artists who did their best in wall murals and street art design. They keep doing their marvelous work no doubt. This time we are bringing out the artwork of French street artist Julien Malland who’s known as Seth Globepainter as well. He makes full of colors street art everywhere in the world. He has been used to portray his design with bursting at the seams and children. You’ll find bundle of colors in his murals. He is renowned by his use of bright colors. Malland has been active since 90’s and published two books that feature his work from all around the world together with Mexico, China, Indonesia and Vietnam. The last one is called “Extramuros”. It captures 3 years of his “Gobepainting” while he was travelling.

His artwork is full of colors and admirable. I am sure you guys will like the way he works with colors.

Street Artist Transformed Buildings into Works of Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street Artist Transformed Buildings into Works of Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street Artist Transformed Buildings into Works of Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art Street-Artist-Transformed-Buildings-into-Works-of-Art

Instagram | Seth Land

Street Artist Painted Murals of Wild Animals