In this post, imaginative illustration of Andy Fairhurst will be presented. Illustrator and digital artists has been used to illustrate superheroes and other characters but Andy is one of those who brilliantly put kids as superhero kids and geek kids.
Comic, film and other famous characters are being in used to illuminate. But there are some artists who chosen to illustrate famous character as kids. They vividly show that how they act, how they play, they fight and so on. It’s really cool to see superheroes as a kids. Isn’t it?
Andy Fairhurst did so by illustrating kids as superhero and geek. Andy is from Llandudno, United Kingdom. He is a freelance illustrator. Illustration, Digital Art and Film is his main single-mindedness. Although Geek kids was his smaller series but he enjoyed a lot by doing work on it. In superhero kid series, you’ll see that how 27 kids are playing at being their desired and chosen superhero & super villain. Andy beautifully exemplify all kids. His imaginative illustration is really nice to see in pretense of kids either superhero or geek one. His concept and imagination is vivid and obvious that he wanted to bring out something unusual. I hope our readers will also enjoy by seeing all these superhero and geek kids.