How to Become a UX Designer – Infographic

Who hasn’t used an interactive website, app or other computerized tracking system and ended up totally frustrated? Ah, but then there are those magical moments when you find using a system not only effortless but enjoyable. You might have a user experience designer to thank for that.

User experience design (UXD) is a career buzzword these days—you may have even heard about it in the news. It’s a career where workers are required to have tech knowledge along with a deep understanding of what makes people tick.

Sure, UX designers should know how to use high-tech design tools and have the ability to take an idea from white-board concept to product, but “soft skills” such as empathy are also important in this profession.

While designing items for human use is hardly a new idea, the increased use of personalized technology, has brought user experience design to the forefront. Don Norman coined the phrase “user experience design” while he was vice president of the advanced technology group at Apple in the mid 1990s. Because this career places a progressive emphasis in system design and development, people come to this career in a variety of modes. One thing seems clear, however: Those interested in pursuing this career should have a solid mix of education, experience and skills.

Learn more about launching a career in user experience design from the infographic below.

Web design guide: 69 website design tips for breathtaking websites

How to Become a UX Designer


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