List of the Best HTML5 Editors: Let’s Explore the Collection

HTML, through its inception has become the most used text marking language in the web page developing and designing world. Many contents are created through “hyper text markup language”. To minimize the compatibility issues with different technologies such as mobile, HTML is converted to HTML5.  With the latest version of HTML, you can create the web content at your fingertips, but this is not enough. The developers need to write the code at Word pad or notepad then explore that file through browser, to see whether it is working or not. This method takes a lot of time and it is also difficult to spot the error if any in the file. To solve all these problems, various HTML supporting editors are developed. The editors are available in two types. They are mentioned below:

html5 logo

a)      Browser Based Editors
These editors can be called as online editors because they need the internet connectivity. These are compatible with almost all the web browsers. The installation is not required or few seconds can be needed to install the the editors.

b)      Standalone Applications
These editors are called as offline editors. They do not need any internet connection and can be supported by various operating systems. Here, it is required to download the executable site then install on the system.

Here, this blog presents the list of best HTML5 editors. Let’s have the glimpse

Best Printing Apps for IPad

Aloha Editor

Aloha Editors is a  browser-based editor that is built in JavaScript language. This editor can be integrated with various content management systems.

aloha editors

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What is Cloud Hosting?

Blue Griffon

Blue Griffon is the standalone Applications that can be downloaded freely. It can run on Window, Linux and Mac Operating System.


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What is a White-Label Product

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5

Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the outstanding standalone editors, which support HTML5, CSS3 and packed with WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get Function).


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Making Good Technology Purchases

Aptana Studio 3

Aptana Studio 3 is an open source web application development environment. It includes the flexibility of Eclipses and uses that in web development engine.

aptana studio

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MacFlux is an offline application that is specially designed to edit HTML 4, HTML5, Ruby, and JSP.


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Maqetta is an open source editor with “What You See Is What You Get” functionality. It is compatible with portable and unportable devices.


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Mercury is an online editing tool, which is developed with jQuery, Rails3.1, and CoffeeScript. This is compatible with all major browsers like Chrome 10+, Safari 5+ and Firefox 4+.


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Rendera is an online editor for HTML5 that is built with Coffee Script. It provides on instant preview of the coding done for the site.


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CanvasLoader Creator

Canvas Loader Creator is the free online tool to generate HTML scripted pre-loader for Web application.


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Font Dragr

Font Dragr is the tool to test the custom font by simply dragging and dropping the font on the platform.


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Adobe Edge Animate

Adobe Edge Animate provide platform for creating animation that is compatible with almost all browsers.

Adobe Edge Animate

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HTML KickStart

HTML kickstart is the rapid application development for the website. This tool is equipped with all the options such as button, list, typography and various HTML elements.


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Webdirection tool is the powerful framework to develop, test, and deploy the code. It is equipped with simplest interface.

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MRI test tool is used to test the coding with different browser.  It has highly user-friendly environment that can be used to check code quickly.


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The HTML5 Test

The HTML5 test show the performance of the coding on the basis of HTML5 and test to display how well coding is working on the platform.

HTML5 test

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Stitches tool generate the style sheet on the basis of the photo uploaded on the interface for websites.


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Intializr is the platform for developing HTML5 templates that can be customized easily neatly and effectively and you can also get the Responsive site.


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Moqups is the tool developed for non technical and technical professional that can be used for developing websites quickly and easily.


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These HTML5 editors are helpful in not only saving the time of designing the site, but also assist in debugging the code very well. The list is prepared to get you aware about some powerful tools for HTML5 editor, so that you can practice the coding before publishing it for the website and also use it for publishing content speedly. Hope that this blog has widened the horizon and given birth to some new ideas. If you know some better tools than the one in the list, please share through the comment section given below.