Free jQuery Plugin To Make Stylish Image Hover Effects


Adipoli is a simple jQuery plugin used to bring stylish image hover effects.


Available Options:

  1. startEffect : Default style of image
  2. hoverEffect : Image style on mouse over
  3. imageOpacity : opacity of image considered when start effect is transparent or overlay
  4. animSpeed : Animation speed for the effect
  5. fillColor : Overlay color
  6. textColor : Text Color
  7. overlayText : Default HTML to be displayed on overlay
  8. slices : Number of slices for slice animations
  9. boxCols : Number of boxes in a row for box animations
  10. boxRows : Number of rows for box animations
  11. popOutMargin : Margin of Image popout
  12. popOutShadow : Shadow length of popout image. Shadow works for those browsers which support text-shadow css.

Start Effects:

  1. transparent
  2. normal
  3. overlay
  4. grayscale

Hover Effects:

  1. normal
  2. popout
  3. sliceDown
  4. sliceDownLeft
  5. sliceUp
  6. sliceUpLeft
  7. sliceUpRandom
  8. sliceUpDown
  9. sliceUpDownLeft
  10. fold
  11. foldLeft
  12. boxRandom
  13. boxRain
  14. boxRainReverse
  15. boxRainGrow
  16. boxRainGrowReverse

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