Glyphr Studio – The Free HTML5 Based Font Editor

Glyphr Studio - the free HTML5 based font editor

Glyphr Studio is a free, html5 based font editor. Font design has a high barrier of entry. Professional font design programs are very complex, and quite expensive. Glyphr Studio is accessible, streamlined, and made for font design hobbyists… and it’s free!

Glyphr Studio, the free HTML5 based font editor

Features galore.

Glyphr Studio simplifies the font design process, but still gives you the tools you need.

Glyphr Studio, the free HTML5 based font editor

Editing Tools:

Create complex shapes, copy & paste, flip ’em around or lock them down, drag & resize to your heart’s content. Edit paths with cubic Bezier curves… that’s right nerds! No more of this quadratic nonsense!

Drag and Drop Mini AJAX File Upload Form

Linked Shapes:

Define a shape once, like an ‘o’, and re-use it across many characters, like ‘bdgpq’. Make changes to the Linked Shape, and it updates all the characters linked to it.

Test Drive:

Try out your font as you type. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs!

One HTML File:

The whole thing is just a single HTML file: small, portable, and easy. Works best in the Chrome Browser, but any modern browser should do.

Beautifull Social Media Icons