We’ll share best Typography Collection of 2014. This collection is simply ever best and inspiring that has been designed within year of 2014. Some typography contain encouraging quotation like “Happiness is a cup of coffee and a really good book”, “Have faith and a burning design to just keep on going”. Some have inspiring quotes like “It always seems impossible until it’s done”, “Can we start weekend again” and so on.
Typography is the design which is used to communicate by using typefaces. It is used in name of organization, company or website and in any product to represent it. Background color, selection of font and color make typography flawless. Calligraphy, hand lettering is a part of this. Typography is digital form. Some creators take it on as a passion and some adopt it for profession. Whatever the reason for taking on, dedication, concern and attention do matter a lot. Profound objective and attention required in order to create best typography design. As it is similar field of designing, many designers earn fame in field of typography and hand lettering. Their name is their fame and we ourselves have been used to share work of different artist for inspiration.
We always do our best to share finest typography of different artists. But today we’ll show the best typography collection of 2014 of various designers. We gathered this typography of different designers from InspirationDE which is known to share stuff for inspiration. It’s all about stimulus, encouragement and motivation toward aim, object and desire. Some images have inspirational quotation, some contain hopeful phrases and few of them encompasses emotion and so on. Actually it’s all about feelings, emotions and sentiments and depend on creator or designers what he has designed or what he wants to design.
I’m sure our readers would like this typography collection.
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