These hand drawn portrait illustrations have been made in Adobe Photoshop. This is for onboarding screens and advertising video for a social app.
Amazing Hand Drawn Portrait illustrations
Imagination has no limit, thinking is beyond boundaries and creativity is away from margins. The one who has deep thoughts, fantasy imagination and concern thinking along with creativeness is blessed. I believe, he’s blessed as whatever he thinks can transform into an art piece.
We raise the value of such artists and designers. We appreciate their work and recognize it by showing to our users. Aim is to inspire users by letting them know how great work is done with an inventive mind.
You’ll see this amazing hand drawn portrait illustrations and admire artist for such an incredible work. This work is done by W. Flemming who is an illustrator, graphic artist and designer based in Manchester, UK. Flemming drifted from traditional media to digital in a journey through fine arts, commercial graphics and illustration.
See also; Beautiful Illustration Portraits
IKEA Web Redesign – UI and UX Design“After finishing my degree in Communicative Arts, I worked in advertisement, where I developed a taste for digital art and eventually turned to illustration. I like to experiment with graphic languages and work in a variety of styles, combining traditional methods with the latest apps, mainly drawing by hand digitally”. Mentioned in website.
Brilliant 3D Characters Illustration by Santiago Moriv