Splash Ink paintings Chaos by Glen Ronald

Splash Ink paintings Chaos

Splash Ink paintings Chaos by Glen Ronald will be displayed below. Such an amazing and wonderful work he has done.

Art is full of creativity, artistry and invention. Creative and artistic mind know how to use his mind in order to create art piece. Glen Ronald is also an artist of inventive mind who chooses to embrace it. “I create my art because of my relationship with chaos, in art and life, I push through the chaos to find an order that works. I always search to redeem situations in life, and in my art, that redemption reveals itself as meaning, beauty and fascination.” Says Glen.

He was born in July 3, 1969. When he was child, he drew every time he could by showing ample ability to won provincial drawing competitions. However the pull of art was strong and after completing his honors microbiology degree, he went to art school. A year of study and experimentation and lots of academic and group shows led to a scholarship to further study art. But he chose to study education instead and began a long study of chaos in his spare time. That’s when his current style began to come into being. His paintings called chaosmos, for he creates a field of chaos and pulls the cosmos out of it. There is a dynamic rush of realism that push against abstraction.

His paintings are truly fine that show both confidence and shyness with every viewer free to find the images that speak most to him.

I would like you to see the below links for more Inspiration;

Paintings for Ants |  Hyper Realistic Pencil Drawings | Wonderful Drawings

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Glen Ronald

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