Animated Clean JavaScript Gauge Meter Plugin

Animated Clean JavaScript Gauge Meter Plugin

JustGage is a useful JavaScript gauge meter plugin for generating and animating super clean dashboard gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing. As this gauge meter is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s fully resolution self-regulating and self-adjusting.

JavaScript Gauge Meter
JavaScript Gauge Meter

How to use it:

Installing Justgage is as easy as…

npm install justgage --save

or you can always download the CSS and JS files…

// Raphael must be included before justgage
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/justgage.js"></script>

or if even don’t want to download the files use cdnjs

// Raphael must be included before justgage
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Basic usage


<div id="gauge"></div>


var gauge = new JustGage({
            id: "gauge", // the id of the html element
            value: 50,
            min: 0,
            max: 100,
            decimals: 2,
            gaugeWidthScale: 0.6

// update the value randomly
setInterval(() => {
  gauge.refresh(Math.random() * 100);
}, 5000)

All default configs to customize the gauge

// id : string
// this is container element id

// value : float
// value gauge is showing
value: kvLookup('value', config, dataset, 0, 'float'),

// defaults : bool
// defaults parameter to use
defaults: kvLookup('defaults', config, dataset, 0, false),

// parentNode : node object
// this is container element
parentNode: kvLookup('parentNode', config, dataset, null),

// width : int
// gauge width
width: kvLookup('width', config, dataset, null),

// height : int
// gauge height
height: kvLookup('height', config, dataset, null),

// valueFontColor : string
// color of label showing current value
valueFontColor: kvLookup('valueFontColor', config, dataset, "#010101"),

// valueFontFamily : string
// color of label showing current value
valueFontFamily: kvLookup('valueFontFamily', config, dataset, "Arial"),

// symbol : string
// special symbol to show next to value
symbol: kvLookup('symbol', config, dataset, ''),

// min : float
// min value
min: kvLookup('min', config, dataset, 0, 'float'),

// minTxt : string
// min value text
minTxt: kvLookup('minTxt', config, dataset, false),

// max : float
// max value
max: kvLookup('max', config, dataset, 100, 'float'),

// maxTxt : string
// max value text
maxTxt: kvLookup('maxTxt', config, dataset, false),

// reverse : bool
// reverse min and max
reverse: kvLookup('reverse', config, dataset, false),

// humanFriendlyDecimal : int
// number of decimal places for our human friendly number to contain
humanFriendlyDecimal: kvLookup('humanFriendlyDecimal', config, dataset, 0),

// textRenderer: func
// function applied before rendering text
textRenderer: kvLookup('textRenderer', config, dataset, null),

// onAnimationEnd: func
// function applied after animation is done
onAnimationEnd: kvLookup('onAnimationEnd', config, dataset, null),

// gaugeWidthScale : float
// width of the gauge element
gaugeWidthScale: kvLookup('gaugeWidthScale', config, dataset, 1.0),

// gaugeColor : string
// background color of gauge element
gaugeColor: kvLookup('gaugeColor', config, dataset, "#edebeb"),

// label : string
// text to show below value
label: kvLookup('label', config, dataset, ''),

// labelFontColor : string
// color of label showing label under value
labelFontColor: kvLookup('labelFontColor', config, dataset, "#b3b3b3"),

// valueFontFamily : string
// font-family for label as well as min/max value
labelFontFamily: kvLookup('labelFontFamily', config, dataset, "Arial"),

// shadowOpacity : int
// 0 ~ 1
shadowOpacity: kvLookup('shadowOpacity', config, dataset, 0.2),

// shadowSize: int
// inner shadow size
shadowSize: kvLookup('shadowSize', config, dataset, 5),

// shadowVerticalOffset : int
// how much shadow is offset from top
shadowVerticalOffset: kvLookup('shadowVerticalOffset', config, dataset, 3),

// levelColors : string[]
// colors of indicator, from lower to upper, in RGB format
levelColors: kvLookup('levelColors', config, dataset, ["#a9d70b", "#f9c802", "#ff0000"], 'array', ','),

// startAnimationTime : int
// length of initial animation
startAnimationTime: kvLookup('startAnimationTime', config, dataset, 700),

// startAnimationType : string
// type of initial animation (linear, >, <,  <>, bounce)
startAnimationType: kvLookup('startAnimationType', config, dataset, '>'),

// refreshAnimationTime : int
// length of refresh animation
refreshAnimationTime: kvLookup('refreshAnimationTime', config, dataset, 700),

// refreshAnimationType : string
// type of refresh animation (linear, >, <,  <>, bounce)
refreshAnimationType: kvLookup('refreshAnimationType', config, dataset, '>'),

// donutStartAngle : int
// angle to start from when in donut mode
donutStartAngle: kvLookup('donutStartAngle', config, dataset, 90),

// valueMinFontSize : int
// absolute minimum font size for the value
valueMinFontSize: kvLookup('valueMinFontSize', config, dataset, 16),

// labelMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the label
labelMinFontSize: kvLookup('labelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),

// minLabelMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the minimum label
minLabelMinFontSize: kvLookup('minLabelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),

// maxLabelMinFontSize
// absolute minimum font size for the maximum label
maxLabelMinFontSize: kvLookup('maxLabelMinFontSize', config, dataset, 10),

// hideValue : bool
// hide value text
hideValue: kvLookup('hideValue', config, dataset, false),

// hideMinMax : bool
// hide min and max values
hideMinMax: kvLookup('hideMinMax', config, dataset, false),

// showInnerShadow : bool
// show inner shadow
showInnerShadow: kvLookup('showInnerShadow', config, dataset, false),

// humanFriendly : bool
// convert large numbers for min, max, value to human friendly (e.g. 1234567 -> 1.23M)
humanFriendly: kvLookup('humanFriendly', config, dataset, false),

// noGradient : bool
// whether to use gradual color change for value, or sector-based
noGradient: kvLookup('noGradient', config, dataset, false),

// donut : bool
// show full donut gauge
donut: kvLookup('donut', config, dataset, false),

// relativeGaugeSize : bool
// whether gauge size should follow changes in container element size
relativeGaugeSize: kvLookup('relativeGaugeSize', config, dataset, false),

// counter : bool
// animate level number change
counter: kvLookup('counter', config, dataset, false),

// decimals : int
// number of digits after floating point
decimals: kvLookup('decimals', config, dataset, 0),

// customSectors : object
// custom sectors colors. Expects an object with props
// percents : bool hi/lo are percents values
// ranges : array of objects : {hi, lo, color}
customSectors: kvLookup('customSectors', config, dataset, {}),

// formatNumber: boolean
// formats numbers with commas where appropriate
formatNumber: kvLookup('formatNumber', config, dataset, false),

// pointer : bool
// show value pointer
pointer: kvLookup('pointer', config, dataset, false),

// pointerOptions : object
// define pointer look
pointerOptions: kvLookup('pointerOptions', config, dataset, {}),

// displayRemaining: boolean
// replace display number with the number remaining to reach max
displayRemaining: kvLookup('displayRemaining', config, dataset, false)

File Info.

File Size931.7 KB
Last Update3 Days Ago
Published Date6 Years Ago
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