Color Boosted Illustrations – Sorted by Color Palette

Color Boosted Illustrations

These color boosted illustrations are sorted by color palette. Each illustration color represents its own state of mind, creativity purpose and importance.

You can see these color boosted illustrations where color-coding was used to set the frame of mind and guide the eye to the focus point. “One of the best advice I got in art school was to use color boldly and with a purpose, and I have tried to stick to that mantra ever since. Some combinations (complementary colors, triads) are naturally harmonic and work well with each other, however, thinking about the context or intention behind a drawing can make a dramatic difference when it comes to color choice.” He says.

He brilliantly and beautifully defines every illustration with color. He stated why such color is used in order to create stunning piece of illustration. His view is clear and vivid.

“Red typically associated with blood, it can evoke anxiety and danger. If that´s the case, I try to use it on less obvious elements (ice, the sea), leaving the characters in almost neutral shades to balance.” At the other side of the spectrum, he used bright red as the fun color drawl to balance black and white cartoons.

While talking about green color, he says, “like to use these hues to make drawings pop when some elements cannot be color-coded or should keep their natural colors (team jerseys, logos, famous characters, etc.) A softer, “beige” background also works great for line-work and diagrams.”

His views are definitely vivid about color blue (Teal, Cyan, Cool Grey). “The safest color in all its variations has become my go-to choice in Editorial. Combined with a warmer complementary yellow or a red for highlights makes an elegant and non-distracting combo.” He explains.

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Well about pink and purple, he says, “these colors seem to evoke night life and music particularly well. As standalone of paired up with a complementary light yellow make a nice art-deco-inspired combo which has worked the best for me in entertainment magazines.”

Color Boosted Illustrations
Color Boosted Illustrations
Color Boosted Illustrations


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